Monday, December 30, 2019
Business Ethics and Deontology - 1413 Words
Module 1 SLP Assignment ETH501: Business Ethics 23 Feb 2013 It is the largest and oldest established branch of the U.S. military, and is one of seven U.S. uniformed services. The modern army has its roots in the Continental Army which was formed on 14 June 1775, [2] to meet the demands of the American Revolutionary War before the establishment of the United States. The Congress of the Confederation officially created the United States Army on 3 June 1784[3] [4] after the end of the Revolutionary War to replace the disbanded Continental Army. The army considers itself to be descended from the Continental Army and thus dates its inception from the origins of that force [2] (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Describe an ethical†¦show more content†¦It emphasizes what is the right thing to do rather than what is the good thing to do. The term deontological derives from the Ancient Greek word for ‘duty’ which neatly encapsulates this approach. Thus, theories of this type seek to justify our duty to behave in some ways, not behave in other ways. This is in direct contrast with teleological theories. In the latter whether we are violent or not would be judged right or wrong depending on the consequences. But in deontological theories the violence would be considered in isolation: is violent behavior right or wrong in itself. The problem with having rules for anything is that they are supposed to work in all situations at all times (otherwise there is not much point in having rules). Even a fairly narrow acquaintance with life shows us that there always seems to be exceptions to rules – particularly when it comes to complex things like human behavior. So, can we do without rules (which deal in generalizing about behavior) and just decide what to do in the one situation we find ourselves in at the time? Some have thought that this can be the case. This looks attractive in that it gets us out of the problem of having rules which can’t always be made to apply. The trouble is, even a cursory examination makes the proposition look inadequate. In this case my Staff Sergeant would have to beShow MoreRelatedEthics Systems Of Accounting : Comparing Deontology And Utilitarianism1482 Words  | 6 PagesEthics Systems in Accounting: Comparing Deontology and Utilitarianism Ethics are crucial to the accounting profession and the business world, so choosing an ethics system to base your moral decisions on is extremely important. Accountants and all business professionals will be confronted with moral dilemmas on a daily basis. Being strong in your faith and knowing what you believe in will help you to always make the right decision. Based on this reasoning, this essay will explain why deontology isRead More7 Philosophies Essay1449 Words  | 6 PagesPhilosophies | Compare and Contrast Research Paper | | Terence A. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019
Socrates Views On Plato s Dialogue - 856 Words
In Plato’s dialogue â€Å"Crito,†Socrates is awaiting his execution in prison when his friend Crito comes to convince him to escape. Socrates argues against Crito with his belief being that escaping from prison would by an unjust act. It is Socrates’ belief that you should never commit an injustice act for any reason, and that it is in your best interest to act justly. In the arguments presented in â€Å"Crito,†we see Socrates’ belief as underlying factor and recurring theme. Crito goes to see Socrates and starts by letting him know that he cares about him, then proceeds to spew out all of his arguments. The first argument brought up was that he will ruin the reputation of his friends and family. His reasoning being that if people saw Crito and knew that he let Socrates die, he would be seen as a selfish and avaricious person. Secondly, Crito explains that he already bribed the guards and that he will set Socrates up in another city. There he can live freely, keep philosophizing, and be with friends and family. He then argues that Socrates would be self-contradicting by accepting his sentence instead of putting up a heroic fight for what he believes in. Crito claims that this would be an act of cowardice, the opposite of what Socrates had always taught. The next point presented is that he would be bad for abandoning his children. His last argument is that it would be morally wrong for Socrates to accept and cooperate with Athenian law if the Athenian law wrongfully accused him andShow MoreRelatedPlato, An Ancient Greek Philosopher1458 Words  | 6 Pages Plato, an Ancient Greek Philosopher by Carly Rittenmeyer Bible and the Ancient World Spring 2015 Plato, a Greek Philosopher, is known for his writings that impacted people in the Ancient Greek society. He was a free thinker and lived in a free city, Athens. He was taught by multiple teachers including Socrates who was frequently mentioned in his writings as the central character. Plato’s novel, The Republic, influenced the idea of government and shows his views on theRead MorePlato s Euthyphro And Apology893 Words  | 4 Pageshuman characteristics of wisdom. Though Plato was one of the earliest philosophers, the topic of wisdom is still debated by modern philosophers today, contemplating questions such as â€Å"What are the classifications of ‘wisdom’?†According to Plato’s two dialogues, the characteristics of wisdom have a strong correlation with the characteristics of â€Å"being a good person†. This concept highlights the values of virtue and selflessness and at the same time juxtapose views on virtue while taking into accoun tRead MoreThe Utility Of Myth : Plato s Metaphysics1624 Words  | 7 PagesMetaphysics ï » ¿Plato speaking from the mouth of Socrates in Phaedo, tells us, â€Å"people are likely not to be aware that those who pursue philosophy aright study nothing but dying and being dead.†(61a) As a philosopher Plato sought to offer not only descriptions of the world him around, but prescriptions as well. The above quote when understood metaphorically, for him, shows the aim of philosophy, and goal of the philosopher is and should be to scratch at the surface of our faculties. To do this, Plato believesRead MoreTry to Persuade Socrates Friends to Save Him Against His Will1191 Words  | 5 PagesTry to persuade the Socrates`s friends to save him, against his will. Socrates Is one of the most colorful figures of the ancient Greek world, who the strangeness of privacy life have always been of special philosophical and political science. He was convict to death because he does not believe in God and corrupted the youth people to do the same. In Plato`s dialogue Crito, Socrates spent his last time in the prison. Crito is coming to save Socrates and have plans how toRead MoreEssay about Plato1268 Words  | 6 PagesBirth and family The exact birthdate of Plato is unknown. Based on ancient sources, most modern scholars estimate that he was born in Athens or Aegina[b] between 428 and 427 BC[a] His father was Ariston. According to a disputed tradition, reported by Diogenes Laertius, Ariston traced his descent from the king of Athens, Codrus, and the king of Messenia, Melanthus.[4] Platos mother was Perictione, whose family boasted of a relationship with the famous Athenian lawmaker and lyric poet Solon.[5] PerictioneRead MoreKant And Kant s Philosophy On Ethics970 Words  | 4 Pagesquestion. A dictionary describes ethics as-moral principles that govern a person s or group s behavior. Is there a universal ethical behavior ? Are all countries ethical ? Theses very same questions many philosophers have tried to figure through time from Socrates to Immanuel kant (and to this very day for the matter!). While comparing two great eathist Plato and Immanuel Kant I, the writer argue that Kant s ideological views on et hics were far superior to Plato’s due to several factors. For one KantRead MoreAnalysis Of Plato s The Euthyphro 1723 Words  | 7 Pagesall time, Plato was the innovator of many written philosophical dialogues. Accompanied by his teacher, Socrates and his most notorious disciple, Aristotle, Plato set the groundworks of Western philosophy and science amid dialogues such as Apology, Euthyphro, Republic and Laws. These dialogues provided some of the earliest handlings of political inquiries from a philosophical viewpoint. In the Euthyphro, Plato composes a dialogue that transpires in 399 BC, weeks before the hearing of Socrates, for whichRead MoreSocrates : The Suicide Of Socrates1405 Words  | 6 PagesSocrates was born in 470 BCE in Athens, Greece. His father was Sophroniscus, a sculptor and stone mason from Athens and his mother was a midwife by the name of Phaenarete (30 Interesting Socrates Facts 2014). Socrates original profession was masonry and sculpting, before becoming a philosopher. On a day in 399 BC, Socrates ( roughly 71 years at the time) went to trial.Now why would anyone want to send an old man to court? Three answer is that Socrates was accused of refusing to recognize theRead MorePlato s The Socratic Method2253 Words  | 10 PagesPlato wrote nearly 30 dialogues, most of which focused on his predecessor, Socrates. His earlier works focused on Socrates Theories, or the Socratic method, while his later works focused on his own laws and Xenophon s Hiero. Some of Plato s dialogues include the Meno, Symposium, Republic, and the Phaedo. The Socratic method is a form of inquiry and discussion between individuals based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to generate ideas. This paper is going toRead MorePlatos Life Essay747 Words  | 3 PagesPlatos Life Plato was born in Athens, about 427 B.C., and died there about 347 B.C. In early life Plato saw war service and had political ambitions. However, he was never really sympathetic to the Athenian democracy and he could not join wholeheartedly in its government. He was a devoted follower of Socrates, whose disciple he became in 409 B.C., and the execution of that philosopher by the democrats in 399 B.C. was a crushing blow. He left Athens, believing that until â€Å"kings were philosophers
Friday, December 13, 2019
Marriage Is Private Affair Free Essays
Marriage is private affair 1. Nnaemeka sees the marriage as an affair as her wife does not belong to his husband’s race and some of her actions contradicts with their race religion and his father will surely disapprove the marriage. Nene believed the marriage was not an affair as she believe marriage is a happy thing and parents will be happy about their child’s marriage. We will write a custom essay sample on Marriage Is Private Affair or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2. Religion is everything during the time the story happens. It’s not only a belief, it represents good and evil of a person’s character : if a person follow the religion, he’s a good man. People become superstitious in religion and their free wills were robbed from them. 3. The tribesmen allowed only marriage within their tribesmen because they thought their tribes were strong and allowing other tribes to marry their tribesmen will make their bloodline impure and thus imperfect. One trumps the other means believing one better than all the others. In here, the tribes believed their bloodline was the strongest and therefore forbid other tribes to mix into their bloodline. Marriage is private affair 1. Nnaemeka sees the marriage as an affair as her wife does not belong to his husband’s race and some of her actions contradicts with their race religion and his father will surely disapprove the marriage. Nene believed the marriage was not an affair as she believe marriage is a happy thing and parents will be happy about their child’s marriage. 2. Religion is everything during the time the story happens. It’s not only a belief, it represents good and evil of a person’s character : if a person follow the religion, he’s a good man. People become superstitious in religion and their free wills were robbed from them. 3. The tribesmen allowed only marriage within their tribesmen because they thought their tribes were strong and allowing other tribes to marry their tribesmen will make their bloodline impure and thus imperfect. One trumps the other means believing one better than all the others. In here, the tribes believed their bloodline was the strongest and therefore forbid other tribes to mix into their bloodline. How to cite Marriage Is Private Affair, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
The impact of employee empowerment on job -
Question: Discuss aboutThe impact of employee empowerment on job. Answer: The main purpose of this paper is to outlines the significance of the job design, job specification, desire goals, motivation, rewards and working conditions of the organization. The entire growth of the company depends on these factors. It increases the effectiveness and revenue of the firm. Further, the paper explains that how the firm enhances and improves the performance and efficiency of the workers. Manpower plays a crucial role in every organization to meet the desired goals and outcomes. The firm cannot survive its trading activities and operations without a dynamic team. In addition, it also explains the role of managers to encourage and inspire the workers for performing task and responsibilities in a hassle free manner. There are various factors such as working conditions, motivation, rewards, and goals affect the performance and efficiency of the employees. All these factors also help to attain the goals and objectives of the firm. Further, it helps to maintain an effective financial position in the competitive market (Sageer, Rafat, and Agarwal, 2012). The organization sets the SMART goals to attain the long-term mission and vision of the firm. These goals help to attain the success and growth in the competitive market. Job design is the combination of works using technical-social consideration in order to complete the jobs and duties. Goal setting is listing measurable and specific task and targets that needs to be attained in a job. There are various factors affect the productivity and performance of the workers such as skills, knowledge, environmental factors and hygiene factors. The job design includes techniques, contents, systems, and procedures related to the employment to determine the nat ure of tasks, the order of performing duties, the way of doing work and other considerations (Latham, 2012). It also helps to maintain a reciprocal relationship with workers and job holders within the organization. Job design includes various key elements such as ergonomic, job enrichment, job rotation and job enlargement (Tohidi, 2011). Along with this, goal setting provides a sense of purpose and direction to improve and enhance the performance and potential of the employees. It also increases awareness of the workers to meet its long-term targets and goals. Furthermore, the top management and managers also encourage the behavior of the workers to accomplish the goals and objectives. There is a close relationship between goal setting and job design in order to shape the employee performance. In addition, motivation and reward also help to encourage employees for doing work effectively (Raziq and Maulabakhsh, 2015). Motivation is the process of inspiring and encouraging people to accomplish the goals. It is essential as human needs some sort of encouragement, incentive, and inducement in order to get better efficiency and performance. Motivation provides various benefits to the workers. It is a technique and method to improve and enhance the efficiency and performance of the subordinates who are working at the diffe rent level of organization. Motivation is the effective and helpful instrument to increase the willingness of the employees to do work effectively and efficiently. The motivating employees create a unique and dynamic culture within the organization (Edirisooriyaa, 2014). Apart from this, reward systems are usually implemented within the organizations as a significant tool that can contribute to an organizations effectiveness and efficiency by affecting individual behavior in the workplace. The reward is one of the significant factors to motivate and encourage the employees for contributing their best efforts to create innovative ideas and thoughts that lead to better trade functionally. Furthermore, it also improves the performance of the company. Rewards and incentives encourage employees for doing work effectively. The reward system management is the tool that aims to improve and enhance the quality of the employees. It also provides job satisfaction and job security to the employees. By using a reward system, the company is able to retain and attract the employees for achieving the long-term goals and objectives within the organization (Elnaga and Imran, 2014). The organizational behavior theories may be applied in organizational goal settings. The organizational theory includes the behavior of individuals, subgroups, and groups who interact with each other to perform the task and duties towards the achievement of the common objectives and goals. There are several organizational behavior theories can be applied to attain objectives and goals that have been discussed below. System theory: The system theory measures and identifies the behavior of the people within the system. It is one of the significant theories of organizational behavior. There are two types of system theory which include an open system and closed system. This theory is useful to the company to achieve the objectives and goals. The managers and top management play an integral role to apply to the system theory effectively and successfully (Guilln, 2015). Decision-making approach: This approach focuses on the decision making process. It helps to make effective and unique decisions to maximize the revenue and profit of the firm. This theory also helps to minimize the risks and challenges. It is the goal-oriented approach which helps to gain competitive advantages in the market (Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, Camm and Cochran, 2015). Now it is assumed that effective and dynamic theories are used by the organization to set the long-term mission and vision of the organization. The Organizations tries to diversify the business opportunities for resolving the workplace issues and problems (Miner, 2015). Various issues are faced by the managers which include employee issues, team problems, and motivation issues to determine the long-term goals and ambitions of the firm. All these issues influence the success and growth of the firm. The organization needs to focus on these issues to maintain a dynamic culture at the workplace. In addition, various managerial interventions are used by the firm to facilitate the organizational change within the organization. The managerial interventions include change work process, convene, direct, and seek patterns. These interventions help to reduce and eliminate the cultural, social and ethical concerns of the organizations. These interventions also promote and encourage employees for reducing their mental and work stress in the organization (Cummings and Worley, 2014). If the employees do work with more dedication then it helps to improve and enhance the productivity and performance of the organization. The employees performance and efficiency also affect the entire process of the organization. Thus, the managers should maintain a mutual and reciprocal relationship with workers in order to gain the mission and vision of the firm (Anitha, 2014). It also helps to build and devel op confidence among the workers for doing work effectively. The job performance and supervisor-employee relationship help to increase and enhance the job performance. The working conditions and culture of the organization should be favorable to enhance the performance of the workers. Along with this, the firm should set the dynamic goals which can be attained easily; it also helps to maximize the revenue of the firm. The managers should handle the grievances and complaints of the workers to measure the performance of the employees (Paill, Chen, Boiral and Jin, 2014). They should collect the feedback and reviews of the employees to measure their performance and effectiveness. The employee job performance is one of the significant factors within the business for enhancing and maximizing the productivity of the organization and employees as well. Moreover, rewards and support must be provided by the employers voluntarily to accomplish the goals and objectives. Promotion, incentives, and bonus also help to encourage and motivate the workers for performing actions and duties efficiently. All these factors also reduce dissatisfaction and enhance employee engagement at the workplace. Human resource management plays a vital role to determine the job design, goals, working conditions, rewards, and motivation (Valencia, 2014). It also reduces and eliminates the absenteeism and low productivity of the workers. Now it is assumed that working conditions, setting goals, job design, rewards, and motivation also provide support to maintain a positive atmosphere in the workplace. All these factors are considered the motivator for the organization to make a strong positio n in the competitive market. All these factors also help to conduct the trading activities, operations, strategies and policies of the firm (Pinder, 2014). On the above-mentioned study, it has been evaluated and concluded the firm should focus monitor on the job design and job specification to minimize the risks and challenges and to maximize the profitability. Furthermore, favorable working conditions, goals, objectives, rewards and motivation also help to stay in the global market. Moreover, effective procedures and processes are used by the managers and employers to increase the productivity and efficiency of the subordinates. These factors also help to reduce and shrink cultural, ethical and social issues in an organization. In this way, the firm can maintain dynamic goodwill in the international market. Now it is recommended that the managers should maintain an effective performance management system to measure the outcomes and performance of the people. Along with this, unique communication plan must be developed by the firm to communicate with people easily. The firm should encourage the employee involvement in an organization. References Anderson, D.R., Sweeney, D.J., Williams, T.A., Camm, J.D. and Cochran, J.J., 2015.An introduction to management science: quantitative approaches to decision making. Cengage learning. Anitha, J., 2014. Determinants of employee engagement and their impact on employee performance.International journal of productivity and performance management. Cummings, T.G. and Worley, C.G., 2014.Organization development and change. Cengage learning. Edirisooriyaa, W.A., 2014, February. 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Impact of working environment on job satisfaction.Procedia Economics and Finance,23, pp.717-725. Sageer, A., Rafat, S. and Agarwal, P., 2012. Identification of variables affecting employee satisfaction and their impact on the organization.IOSR Journal of business and management,5(1), pp.32-39. Tohidi, H., 2011. Teamwork productivity effectiveness in an organization base on rewards, leadership, training, goals, wage, size, motivation, measurement and information technology.Procedia Computer Science,3, pp.1137-1146. Valencia, C., 2014. Motivation and Productivity in the Workplace.The Myriad.
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